by Gene




Offering holistic nutritional approaches to restoring health and wellness

Imagine what life would be like if you...

Meet your practitioner

Hi, I’m Paige Reagan! I specialize in root-cause nutrition, meaning that I don’t simply cover up your symptoms as they are your body’s way of telling you that it is out of balance and needs help.

Instead, I work with you to address the WHY and provide solutions that encourage your body to restore optimal functioning so that you can truly heal from the inside-out.

With a unique approach that combines my knowledge of nutrition with years of research experience, I am able to address the body as a WHOLE instead of a collection of unrelated parts. I use a combination of symptom burden assessments and functional evaluations and tools to uncover underlying root causes, allowing me to create powerful nutritional healing protocols that are personalized to YOUR specific issues. No more Band-Aids or generic solutions.

How I can help

My root-cause approach prioritizes gut health, which has many downstream benefits.

Digestive Issues

Low stomach acid, inadequate digestive enzymes, and poor fat digestion leads to constipation, bloating, pain, heartburn, and other digestive symptoms.

Food Sensitivities

Inflammation caused by the foods we eat can play a role in migraines, fibromyalgia, asthma, arthritis, eczema, Crohn's disease, and more.

Immune Challenges

About 70% of our immune system lies in the gut. The health of the gut reflects the overall health of the body and deficiencies can lead to chronic immune issues.

Thyroid Health

Poor digestion and gut imbalances can reduce thyroid hormone conversion, leading to low thyroid function and symptoms like constipation, weight gain, and cold extremities.

Hormone Imbalances

When the liver is not functioning properly, deactivated hormones can recirculate, causing symptoms associated with estrogen dominance.

Blood Sugar Dysregulation

Processed foods and diets high in starchy carbs cause erratic blood sugar levels. Over time this can can lead to fatigue, memory issues, joint pain, hormone dysregulation, and more.

Kind words

Learn more

  • The Hydration Guide

    by Paige Reagan

    Water is fundamental to optimal health. Although most are aware of the benefits of water in maintaining a healthy body weight and improving our skin, it actually plays a role in almost every bodily function.

  • The Skinny on Fats

    by Paige Reagan

    We need healthy fats to create the appropriate structure at the cellular level, which will in turn support the proper functioning of our bodies.

  • Nutritional therapy is founded in the belief that poor nutritional choices and the highly processed foods in our modern, standard diet ultimately result in physiological weaknesses in the body.

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Bloating. Constipation. Reflux. Stomach Pain.

Do any of these symptoms describe you?

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10 Simple Ways To Improve Your Digestion.